Monday, 13 November 2017

Next Meeting: 5:30pm Sunday 3rd December - Festive Meal

The challenge for the next meeting is to read a Quick Reads Book!

For those of you who haven't come across Quick Reads before, they're published by the Reading Agency for World Book Night each year, and they are usually either written especially for this purpose as a novella, or they are specially abridged to make them short. They are usually 99p to buy, either in paperback or as ebooks, and our local library, at Halton Lea, has a special display of them near to the information counter.

We're also, because it will be our last meeting before Christmas, having a festive meal, it's pre-order and pre-pay, the menu and details are in our Facebook group, or you can email us if you're interested in joining us. And, we're doing a Secret Santa, maximum cost of gifts is £2, and it should be loosely related to books/literature, and ideally a fun/bad taste present. All gifts should be wrapped, and we'll put them in a basket and lucky dip them out with desert on the night.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Next Meeting: Sunday 12th November, 7:30pm The Queen's Head

Reading based on a theme this time, any book set in, or written about WWI or WWII to fit in with our meeting on the evening of Remembrance Sunday.