Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Christmas Challenge

 Our Christmas Challenge is to read three books before our first meeting of 2022, on Sunday 23rd January.

The three books should be;

  1. Set in Australia (bonus points if it's Christmas on the beach, or set in/around Runcorn in Brisbane).
  2. With snow on the cover.
  3. Set in/on/under water!
We'll be meeting at Table 13 in The Queen's Head, Frodsham at 7:30pm (covid permitting) & would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas filled with fabulous books, and a very Happy New Year in the meantime.

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

2020 Round Up

Apologies for not keeping u to date with the blog this year, hopefully be better at it next year!

So, what have we missed? Well, the pub mostly!  Just like everyone else!

We've had a couple of trials - including Whatsapp and Facebook Rooms, before caving in and getting a Zoom Pro subscription, which will, with any luck, be enough to get us through to things being back to normal!

Last month we had a lovely talk by local children's author Lesley Rawlinson about her book De Morville's Sword

Lesley was kind enough to talk about her inspiration, her work as a teacher, and her own childhood, as well as the research that went into the story.

Reminiscent of Enid Blyton style adventures (without sleeping on gorse bushes) the story was exciting and also genteel enough to not frighten younger readers, and nostalgic for us older folk!

Lesley also told us about her next book, Osprey Girl, which we're looking forward to reading too.

Earlier in the year, we read a banned book, for banned books week, had a summer reading challenge, which included a book written in a foreign language, an autobiography/memoir, a novel about a disaster, a book where the protagonist does your job, and any non-fiction book about a hobby or interest you have, apart from reading!

We didn't manage to get out for walking bookclub, but we did read a book each about walking! 

We also read With the End in Mind by Kathryn Mannix, a non-fiction book about death. 

We'd had to cancel our pre-arranged Afternoon Tea, but made do at home via Whatsapp (I think we were using at that point?). We have also read our choice of books about a religious festival!

We're currently reading Once Upon a River by Diana Setterfield, recommended by Lesley Rawlinson at our author talk last month, and will be discussing it with some festive treats at our December meeting, via Zoom on 20th December.

If you haven't already, do please, let me know if you have any dietary requirements, and let me have your address to drop the treats off on the day!

and please do drop us a message for the zoom call details, you don't have to download the zoom app to join, you can dial in from the website zoom.us, provided you have the meeting reference number and password.

The meeting will be from 7pm on Sunday 20th December!

Finally, two exciting bits of new news.

Firstly, I've signed up for a Box of Stories. Available either by subscription or as a one-off, it's a box of 4 books selected for you and sent through the post. I've opted for the Surprise box, just as a one-off for now, and will pass them around once they arrive - which should be before the zoom call on the 20th!

And secondly, I've already chosen a group read instead of the Christmas challenge, to read before the meeting in January. 

I know, not something I'd usually do, but this one seems particularly interesting. 

The book is called You Don't Know Me and is written by Imran Mahmood, a Criminal Barrister by day. The concept is different and I'm looking forward to discussing reading the book at the December meeting, although please don't actually read the book before the 20th December! The library has a couple of copies apparently, so please do try and pick a copy up, and we'll discuss the book itself, fully, at our January meeting - Date to be confirmed at our December meeting, so have your diary to hand!

That's us all caught up. Sorry for the slacking off this year, will try harder next year!

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Next Meeting:Sunday 12th January 2020

We'll be meeting at the Queen's Head in Frodsham at 7:30pm on Sunday 12th January 2020 to discuss our Christmas Reading Challenge.

In the meantime, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Hogmanay!

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Sunday 17th February - Queen's Head - 7:30pm

The challenge before the next meeting is to read any three books of your choice, however, each in a different genre!

Looking forward to seeing you all then!

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Next Meeting: Sunday 23rd September - Queen's Head, Frodsham - 7:30pm

Before the next meeting, the challenge is to read five books for the Summer Reading Challenge:
As always, we're asking you to read one book, of your own choosing, from each of the categories. For a small fee, t-shirts will be available to members at the September meeting.

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Next Meeting 24th June - Queen's Head

The book to read before the next meeting is Stephen and Matilda: The Civil War of 1139 - 53 by Jim Bradbury

The next meeting will be in the Queen's Head, Frodsham at 7:30pm. We have a table reserved and I'll bring an identifying LightBox.

Friday, 23 February 2018

Next Meeting: Sunday 18th March

To celebrate the Lunar New Year (we're now in the Chinese year of the Dog), and the Terracotta Warriors being on tour in Liverpool, next time, we're meeting at a local Chinese Restaurant for a meal - if you'd like to join us, please contact us by email/facebook/twitter for details and to confirm.
We'll be reading our own choice of books set in/about China, to discuss over food.